Monday, 20 April 2020

Remote Working Survival Tips

This is the new normal as people are irritatingly calling it since the lockdown.

Working from bedrooms, cupboards, dining room tables whilst navigating everyone else being there too!

Here are some tips to help you make the most of it whilst you are working from home.  Also, I am quite excited that this will force some employers to take a different view on people working from home in the future....well, hope springs eternal!
Roll with it.  It is what it is.  Not much you can do about it. Whether you like it or you don't this is the way things are for the moment.

Emotions.  Tricky times. Surrounded by your household 24X7 and emotions will become tested and relationships. Be compassionate, patient and if all else fails, find ways to escape into your own space now and then - even X Box counts!

Manage Yourself. You are your own worst or best enemy.  You need to structure your day and manage yourself.  Work in chunks, set timescales - no one is going to tell you what to do now.  

Organise your space. Whether it is a bedroom, a cupboard or a kitchen table...find a way to make the space your's even if for the duration of the day. 

Talk to people. All the natural and easy ways to communicate with other humans has gone for a while.  Make the effort to talk and stay in touch. Do it every Monday morning or Friday afternoon - set a timetable for when it happens, so it happens.

Energy.  When do you work best?  Morning, afternoon..?  You can manage your energy now to make the most use of this.  You must take breaks though and have non screen time too.  Do stuff, move about, exercise...

Those are just a few of my tips.  Been a home based worker for many years so the only differences since the lockdown:

  • More humans in toilet when I want to use it
  • Crap WiFi
  • Less food in the house/higher food bill

Take care

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