Saturday 28 January 2017

An attitude of gratitude

I am not the first to say this but I have always found this idea quite tricky to implement.  Be grateful for what you have, have an attitude of gratitude...

The idea of appreciating 'your lot' is not a new concept but in Positive Psychology, some research has been done to prove that this could be a very beneficial thing to do.  (Prove in as much as you can when it comes to measuring humans anyway!)  The problem with not appreciating what you have is that we constantly want more...and more...

Anyway, I found this neat this App that I heartily recommend you try.  It is free and I am not on commission.  It is called the 21 day gratitude challenge Link 


It has some really great features. Such as a happiness self assessment which you complete at the beginning and end of the 21 days. This is an example of their strapline in action 'positivity meets science'  Each day is essentially a five minute journal with prompts you to make it easier to use.  I have carried on and now have a '30 day streak' as they call it. 

Why not try it yourself. I challenge you to do this every day for five mins a day and then measure if there is any difference.  It could also be quite a cool tool to use on a resilience (current buzzword in corporate life) course or, stress management or even with some busy exec level humans??? Five mins a day doesn't sound difficult to find does it?  I did struggle after about 10 days as the exercises start to repeat and I thought, 'Surely, I am grateful enough now?!'  But        I found pushing through that to be really useful. 

I would love to hear from both of my blog readers how you get on?!

Ta ra,


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